Utah Artist Foundry presents Meet the Artist with Julian Rubinstein

February 8, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
An in-person focused conversation with the director of the award-winning documentary, The Holly, Julian Rubinstein.

We will explore the intersection of journalism and documentary filmmaking, the different practices and ethics that inform each, and what it means to make a film that exists in both spheres. We will also discuss Julian’s specific approach with The Holly including embedding himself in the story, shooting much of it himself, and retaining rights to the film rather than working with a distributor. Filmmakers and journalists will be invited to ask their own questions as well.

For filmmakers and Artist Foundry members.

Catch the full film the night before (Feb. 7th) at the Black, Bold & Brilliant screening at the City Library.

RSVP at: https://utahartistfoundry.org/event/meet-the-artist-julian-rubinstein/


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