Current Students
Students in the Department of Film & Media Arts are encouraged to participate in the many events and opportunities available to our majors including study abroad, fine arts fees grants, the emerging leaders program, guest lectures, screenings and the annual F&MAD Film Festival.
Students in the Department of Film & Media Arts are represented in the College of Fine Arts by their Student Advisory Committee representatives. Students are welcomed to submit any feedback, questions or comments to our current SAC representatives.
Travel Grants
To apply, complete and submit an Individual Travel Grant application through the College of Fine Arts.
Fine Arts Fees (FAF) Grants
College of Fine Arts Sponsored Student Organizations on the SLC campus and in good standing with the Department of Student Leadership & Involvement may apply for FAF Grants funding.
Academic Advising
The Academic Advising Center supports the undergraduate community through collaborative and comprehensive advising services as students explore, navigate, and graduate.
Learning Success Center
The Learning Success Center is an academic support program designed to give students the assistance they need to have a successful academic experience. The program consists of ASUU Tutoring Services, Supplemental Instruction, and Learning Strategies assistance. Students can use any of these components individually or combine them to best fit their academic needs. The Learning Success Center works collaboratively with other campus programs to provide learning strategies for adult learners.
University Writing Center
We are here to help you become a more confident writer by providing individual consultations with peer tutors. We would like to be your writing resource from your freshman classes through graduate school. We work on papers from all disciplines - not just writing classes. Best of all, the Writing Center is a FREE service to students of the University of Utah.
Film & Media Arts Subject Specialist at Marriott Library
Greg Hatch
Office: MLIB 2110L
Office Hours 2-3pm T-W-Th
greg.hatch@utah.eduOnline Guide: campusguides.lib.utah.edu/film
Women Film Pioneers Project at Columbia University
The Women Film Pioneers Project (WFPP) is a freely accessible, collaborative digital resource that showcases the hundreds of women who worked behind the scenes in the silent film industry as directors, producers, editors, and more. Always expanding, WFPP features career profiles on each pioneer, longer overview essays on national cinemas and occupations, still and moving images, and archival and bibliographic resource materials. The goals of WFPP are to jumpstart historical research on the work of women filmmakers from the early years of cinema, ending with the coming of sound; to facilitate a cross-national connection between researchers; to reconfigure world film knowledge by foregrounding an undocumented phenomenon: these women worked in many capacities.
An online streaming library, Kanopy contains films of all genres, from classic films, to documentaries, to obscure cult favorites. Kanopy is FREE through the University of Utah (or your local library).
Internet Archive
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
Create Success
Create Success is a resource for students in the College of Fine Arts. Here, students can find information on classes, internships, and deadlines as well as make an appointment with an academic advisor.
Women’s Enrollment Initiative
The University of Utah values women and what they contribute to campus and the community. The Women’s Enrollment Initiative is designed to recruit, retain, and graduate women through a network of support that provides opportunities and creates innovative partnerships that positively impact the full range of experiences for women as they pursue their educational and professional goals.
Women’s Resource Center
The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) at the University of Utah serves as the central resource for educational and support services for women. Honoring the complexities of women’s identities, the WRC facilitates choices and changes through programs, counseling, and training grounded in a commitment to advance social justice and equality.
Veterans Support Center
The VSC is a “one stop shop” for student veterans to find services, support, advocacy, and camaraderie. Some of the VSC services include VA educational benefits assistance, VA benefits and health services counseling, free computer and printing resources, free tutoring vouchers and peer support, as well as a lounge, study area, refreshments, veterans’ events, and “SWAG” (U Vet clothing and gear).
Student Success Advocates
The mission of the Student Success and Empowerment Initiative is to support students in making the most of their University of Utah experience. As caring, knowledgeable professionals, Student Success Advocates engage and empower undergraduate students in exploring and clarifying their interests and goals, overcoming personal and academic challenges, and connecting to campus resources and opportunities. Our holistic, individualized, mobile approach allows us to meet students right where they are.
LGBT Resource Center
The LGBT Resource Center acts in accountability with the campus community by identifying the needs of people with a queer range of (a)gender and (a)sexual experiences and responding with university-wide services.
Student Homelessness Task Force
Homelessness is a serious issue that impacts many students. At the University of Utah we provide direct service and referrals to assist students experiencing homelessness, those who are displaced, or believe they may be homeless soon. We aim to provide short-term assistance to help alleviate the effects of homelessness so that students can achieve long-term sustainability and pursue their education and goals. Students can utilize a variety of services that are free and available to students via their student fees. These services assist in providing temporary housing, assistance finding funding resources and food, and more.
Dream Center
The Dream Center at the University of Utah Office of Engagement works holistically with undocumented students and their families from college access to graduation. The Dream Center (1) engages in specialized college outreach and access strategies, (2) provides individualized mentoring and scholarship support for current and future University of Utah undocumented students, (3) promotes campus-wide advocacy and trainings for University of Utah students, faculty, staff and administration, and (4) increases community-wide awareness of policies affecting current and future University of Utah undocumented students.
Feed U Pantry
The University of Utah food pantry provides non-perishable, nourishing food for our students, their families, faculty and staff. Why? Because there are times when we all have struggles: Loss of a job, paying tuition, medical emergencies. The basic demands of life sometimes makes us have to choose between food or bills. We don't want any member of our Campus Community to have to choose between having some food on the table and keeping up with the emergencies that come up.
Center for Disability & Access
The Center for Disability & Access is dedicated to students with disabilities by providing the opportunity for success and equal access at the University of Utah. We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations as outlined by Federal and State law. We also strive to create an inclusive, safe and respectful environment. By promoting awareness, knowledge and equity, we aspire to impact positive change within individuals and the campus community.
Center for Child Care and Family Resources
The University of Utah Center for Child Care and Family Resources offers services to assist University students, faculty and staff in their search for quality child care services.
Center for Student Wellness
The goal of the Center for Student Wellness is to help students have successful academic and personal experiences by encouraging comprehensive wellness. We accomplish this by providing information and resources in the form of health education and advocacy services.
Personal Money Management Center
The Personal Money Management Center provides a competent and confidential atmosphere where students can have access to accredited counseling services, quality financial education and appropriate tools to achieving lifelong successful financial outcomes.
University Counseling Center
The University Counseling Center (UCC) offers opportunities for personal development that will lead to enhanced learning and contribution to the University. The Center helps students resolve existing problems, prevent potential problems, and develop new skills that will enrich their lives. Services address personal, career, and academic learning issues. Formats include individual and group counseling, classes, and workshops.
Student Health Center
All University of Utah students, their spouses, and dependents are eligible for care at the student health center. Eligible students pay a small student health fee as part of their University tuition fees that allows the center to discount certain services 30-60% over other community providers.
Office of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Title IX
The Office of Equal Opportunity And Affirmative Action (OEO/AA) is a professional resource dedicated to the University of Utah’s commitment to provide a fair and equitable environment for individuals to pursue their academic and professional endeavors and to equally access University programs. In order to further this commitment, the OEO/AA is responsible for ensuring University practices and nondiscrimination policies are in full compliance with all federal, state and local anti-discrimination laws, and provide processes to fairly and effectively resolve complaints, provide reasonable accommodations, and to make appropriate corrections.
CFA Career Coaching
What Can Career Coaching Do for You?
U Career Success coaches meet with students like you one-to-one to share personalized advice to help you focus your career visions and achieve your professional goals.
Coaches can guide you in exploring internship and career opportunities, writing strong resumes and building connections with organizations in art, teaching, entertainment, graphic design, photography, printmaking, film, and more.
First-year student, new Fine Arts major, ready to graduate, or anywhere in between--your coach is ready to prompt you through each stage of your career journey.
Career Coaches Can Help You:
• Practice job interviews
• Find gig work
• Create a unique brandfinearts.utah.edu/career-coaching
Career & Professional Development Center
At the Career & Professional Development Center, we are here to support students and alumni by helping them design individualized life plans. Our mission is to help students better understand who they are, what they want to do professionally, and what steps they need to take to get there. Seeing a Career Coach early and often is the most important step towards achieving this goal and feeling confident in one’s career direction.
Job Boards
Production Hub
jobs.variety.com/jobs/searchMedia Match
media-match.com/usa/media/jobsboard.phpStaff Me Up
staffmeup.com/production-jobsWomen Make Movies
We support women producers and directors from the beginning, planting the seeds for a diverse and inclusive filmmaking landscape. As the world’s leading distributor of independent films by and about women, we amplify historically ignored voices and challenge the mainstream media.
Utah Film Commission
The Utah film Commission markets the entire State Of Utah for film, television and commercial production by promoting the use of local professional cast & crew, support services, locations and the Motion Picture Incentive Program.
Utah Film Commission Production Assistant Certification
The purpose of the Production Assistant Certification is to develop qualified individuals who can work on Utah film, television and commercial sets.
Women in Animation
Founded in 1995, WIA is the only organization dedicated to advancing women in the field of animation. We envision a world where women share equally in the creation, production and rewards of animation, and we provide resources and connections to make it happen.
Curriculum Forms
Seeking “K-12 Teaching Licensure in Film"
By filling out this form you are indicating your interest in seeking K-12 Teaching Licensure in Film and receiving regular updates about requirements through your Umail. Requirements for K-12 Film Teaching Licensure will be available starting the 2020-2021 academic year. It is your responsibility as a student to know the expectations for teaching licensure. You are always welcome to check with the CFA Academic Advisors and College of Education to make sure you are fulfilling the requirements for teaching licensure in the required timeframe.
Students may seek a Curriculum Exception to have 1) a course substituted for an equivalent requirement in a Film & Media Arts Core or Emphasis courses, 2) a transfer course approved for FILM elective credit, or 3) a Film & Media Arts requirement waived due to unusual circumstances. Students may seek to have a maximum of 10 credits approved as FILM electives.
To begin the Curriculum Exception process, students must meet with a Fine Arts Advisor to discuss their record, review which transfer courses may be eligible for approval, and receive a Curriculum Exception Form.
Completed forms should be emailed to info@film.utah.edu.
Submitted forms will be reviewed by the Film & Media Arts Department Chair. Students will be informed of their decision via email. Approved exceptions will be made by the Academic Advisor CC’ed on the email.
Students who have secured an internship and want to receive credit must complete this form.
Download the Independent Internship Agreement
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) guidelines internship guidelines:
The experience must be an extension of the classroom: a learning experience that provides for applying the knowledge gained in the classroom. It must not be simply to advance the operations of the employer or be the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
The skills or knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings. The experience has a defined beginning and end, and a job description with desired qualifications.
There are clearly defined learning objectives/goals related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework.
There is supervision by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience.
There is routine feedback by the experienced supervisor.
There are resources, equipment, and facilities provided by the host employer that support learning objectives/goals.
Students wishing to work one on one with a faculty member to complete a production project must complete this form. Forms should be emailed to info@film.utah.edu at least one week prior to the semester in which the research will begin.
Students wishing to work one on one with a faculty member to complete a research project must complete this form. Forms should be emailed to info@film.utah.edu at least one week prior to the semester in which the research will begin.
It is recommended, though not required, for students seeking an incomplete grade to review and complete the form with their course instructor.